Attraction is the ability to draw close. It is a force by which persons or objects attract each other. In Physics, it is the electric or magnetic force that acts between oppositely charged bodies, tending to draw them together therefore we can say that everything comes to us through the most elemental law of Physics: Like attracts Like!!!!!!!!!!!! Thereby providing pleasure
You attract to yourselves what you like whether consciously or unconsciously and funnily, it has nothing to do with being good or bad or even religiousity.
The Law of Attraction is an unquestionable law of the universe and it states that I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted. If you think about being broke, poor, lonely and believe your thoughts guess what? That is exactly what you'll be. This Law applies to your life and every other person's life on the planet. Like all laws, it is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don't want it to.
Your desires are the good things of life , a fantastic job, a wonderful family, a posh apartment and sleek cars with a fat bank account (need I say more!) but it is not all about wishing or thinking positive (thereby rejecting negative thoughts that flashes our minds) and then all your daydreams fallout from the sky. It is a lot more than this.
What am I talking about?
The law of attraction goes deeper than your thoughts, your deepest wishes and intentions. It goes to that unconscious level of you that never occurred to you that we had. You can catch a glimpse of this when you dream.
It is about letting go of deep rooted thoughts such as "the rich are getting richer", "money is the root of all evil", or that there is something noble or spiritual about being poor and struggling.
Now at first you may think that you do not believe any of that. Consciously, you may not, but deep down inside it may be a totally different story. That's where meditation comes into play, and constantly asking yourself how you feel.
This is a mindset that is not easily attained just by reading this article. It is a daily practice of questioning yourself. You also have to make friends with the things you desire, for example, Money is an energy, much like you and I. Everything in this Universe is made up of energy; Intelligent energy. Therefore, having a healthy love of money will attract it to you.
This is the basis of the law of attraction. What you show loves to, will want to come to you more and more. In most parts of the world we are taught that if you are not struggling and if you're wealthy, that you must be doing something wrong which is outrageous.
You were meant to live abundantly.
You deserve whatever it is that you want, simply because you want it.
The law of attraction and meditation comes hand in hand
You may or may not have heard about the Laws of Attraction and may think about romance and finding your soul mate. But, the truth is that the Law of Attraction applies not only to romance, but to most other areas of life as well. This includes business. Imagine finding your "soul mate" business venture. The one that is naturally meant to be in your life!
Science says that the Law of Attraction is constantly out there, working silently. Even if you don't know what it is, or believe in its effects, the Law of Attraction is working for you. Of course, if you take the time to begin understanding it, you can start to work with it. This can allow you to venture into business opportunities that fit naturally with you and your lifestyle.
The basis of the law states that whatever you give your attention to, you will attract. This means that even if you give positive or negative attention to something, you will attract it. This explains the power of positive thinking!
The thoughts and attitude you put out into the world put off vibrations similar to those of sound waves. Those vibrations draw you to other things with similar vibrations. These things could be people, things, event, situations, or places.
The way this can relate to business is by allowing you to make money in a natural, less stressful way.
This can allow you to be much happier in the long run and in the immediate.
The law of attraction and meditation both seek to empower you to be the best that <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->you can be. When you meditate, you learn to tap into your higher self. When you use the Law of Attraction you also learn to tap into your higher self to bring about both positive physical and emotional changes in your life. When used in combination the results can be enlightening. You can learn to manifest anything you want in this life, from a brand new car to spiritual enlightenment.
You are only limited by your own thoughtsLets go a little indepth on this "law"
The Law of Attraction Is one of the most well documented theories of these.
Simply put, it implies that you will always encounter, in your life, those things which you think about on a regular basis.
There are many ideas, which have persisted throughout the course of human history, that have been blended to form this “law”, so understanding it may take some time and research. However, because this “law”, essentially proposes you can achieve anything you want simply by changing your thinking course
Though the basic idea itself has come under attack from a number of sources, anecdotal evidence at least, suggests that some correlation between thoughts and future experiences might well exist on some level.
If nothing else, the proposal encourages people to consider the overall scope of their thoughts and emotions; and that can be no bad thing.
Many would argue that personal attributes such as the ability to maintain a positive attitude have a great effect on the circumstances of life; and so, at the root, our basic thinking might be found to be the ultimate cause of many positive and negative experiences in life
In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction is a fancy way of saying “that what you focus on is what you end up getting”.
We’ve all had times where we’ve dreaded the thought of running out of money, only to find bills suddenly seem to be pouring in. On the other side, though, you might have had a thought where you’ve gone “wow I’d love to have one of those”, and a few months or years later actually ended up with one?
It’s the same principle at work.
There’s a bit more to it, but that’s the basics.
Let me start, though, with an injunction.
PLEASE be very careful what you ask for
What am i trying to pass across?
How Does the Law of Attraction Work?
The main problem with this theory for most people is that they have absolutely no idea how it works. How can thoughts alone impact the way that a person’s life unfolds?
The honest answer is that the real theory beneath the Law of Attraction is still being worked out on a lot of levels.
Some people who are strong advocates of the theory aren’t completely sure of all the ins and outs.
Without a basic knowledge of the difference between subjective reality and absolute reality, it is very difficult to get a handle on the rest of the theory.
Subjective reality is a theory held by many people that leads them to believe that there is only one consciousness. The primary idea behind this theory is that you are a stream of consciousness – and, because of that, everything that happens in your personal reality is a result of what you have projected in your thoughts.
In this clearly defined world of subjective reality, the only consciousness that exists is your own. Because of that, there is a single set of intentions being impressed onto your personal reality - being projected by you; the person with total control over your consciousness. Because of this, you can become the true master of your own thinking within that domain.
Since nobody that you encounter is truly conscious, in this way if thinking, then you are the only person in the universe who can have intentions. In this scenario, you are the sole thinker who gets to dictate what goes on in your reality.
This is a very powerful thought --- if you really think about it.
Nevertheless, it is also a difficult idea for many people to get their minds around.
However, it is the primary premise for The Law of Attraction itself. Many people struggle with this because they don’t truly understand what they are in this subjective reality. You can’t grasp the idea if you think of you as being simply your physical body.
Instead, you have to understand that you are the one consciousness that has sole control over the entire reality which is taking place before you.